The AONT-1534 has been optimized for residential homes for providing triple play Broadband services that also require RF video.
Advanced GPON technology
The AONT-1534 is fully FSAN (ITU-T G.984) compliant 2.488 Gbps downstream and 1.244 Gbps upstream GPON systems.
Quality of Service
The AONT-1534 supports extensive QoS features, including 802.3x - flow control, DSCP to 802.1p mapping, upstream congestion control, and downstream traffic scheduling for premium or time sensitive content. Intelligent and robust buffer and queue management for Ethernet traffic, with individual prioritized queues, ensures that tiered service offerings based on different bit-rates and QoS can be readily supported.
TThe AONT-1534 contains both wire-speed L2 switch and L3 routing gateway with port forwarding, NAT and NAPT address translation, built-in PPPoE support for HSI, and an integrated stateful packet inspection (SPI) firewall with a configurable access control list (ACL) and application-level gateway (ALG). Support for VPN (L2TP, PPTP and IPSec) pass through is also provided. Included as part of the gateway function are DHCP client, DHCP server and DNS server for IPv4 and IPv6.
TThe AONT-1534 comes with the latest security features, including MAC address spoofing protection, MAC/IP address port binding, per-port access control list (ACL) based on port, MAC address and Ether-type, DoS prevention and wireless encryption protocols such as WEP and the more secure WPA/WPA2.